Monday, June 25, 2012

New Stamps

Lovely new stamps:

I ordered these online because my local post office didn't carry most of them.

The one thing that really bugs me about ordering stamps online is the amount of wasted packaging.



Fortunately the plastic can be recycled, though I would rather not use the plastic at all.

The cardboard I'm going to use to make a few postcards and then I suppose I'll recycle the rest. 

I understand that they want to protect the stamps during transit, but why can't multiple stamps go in one thing of packaging?  I ordered several identical sheets and they were each packaged separately.

In general I love shopping online - reading reviews before I buy something, taking as much time as I need to make a decision about whether or not to get something.  But, everything seems to be packaged in plastic! 

~ Anne


  1. So much for "Go Green" but there isn't a stamp with "use less packaging"

  2. You have received the Liebster Blog award :D Check it out here :)
